Crossing the Blues
Keira Knightley “Interview Magazine”Dec.2007/Jan.2008
Keira Knightley nude”

Keira Knightley “Interview Magazine”-2
Keira Knightley “Interview Magazine”

You can pay $10 to see Keira Knightley nude in the upcoming movie Atonement.

Or you can shell out about half that amount and see the actress half-naked in the December 2007/January 2008 issue of Interview Magazine. Here are some highlights from Knightley’s chat with the publication:

How was the photo shoot?
We ended by taking my clothes off again. How does that always happen?

Why do you think?
I don’t know. Because I say yes, I suppose.

Did you relate to the Hollywood-glamour thing when you were growing up?
I think it’s wonderful to have those aesthetic fantasies. Those films pretend that you can wake up in the morning with bright red lipstick and perfect false eyelashes and hair; I like that.